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SyNet is a strong proponent of transformational leadership and over the years we have integrated a diverse range of evidence-based practices and methodologies such as Awareness-Based Leadership in our global leadership development programs. Transformational leadership approaches the notion of being a leader in different ways than traditional transactional or authoritarian leadership paradigms that have been utilized in organizations since the start of the industrial era. Transformational leadership focuses on the capacity of leaders to inspire, motivate, and attract followers. Unlike the transactional approach, it is not based on a one-way “give and take” relationship, but on the leader’s personality, traits and ability to drive change through example, articulation of an energizing vision and inspire people with challenging goals. Through their vision and ability to articulate it, transformational leaders have a positive impact on others, helping them raise their own standards of performance and change their values towards higher goals. Transformational leaders lead by modeling this excellence of behavior and thinking. At the same time, followers influence transformational leaders in a synergistic, virtuous circle way, as the depth of their trust, respect and loyalty further inspires the leader towards continuous improvement. At SyNet, we are committed to using transformational leadership practices in our own organization and are eager to help integrate it into leadership ranks around the globe through the work we do with our clients.  We believe that transformational leadership is a step in the right direction to build better organizations that are respectful of every individual in their workforce, have higher standards of ethical and moral conduct, and are committed to being sustainable and socially responsible citizens of the world. Contact us for more information about our work in Transformational Leadership.